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Dr. Sam Slattery
Aug 15, 20222 min read
SLEEP: 7 Hours Straight ?!
Is there one thing you can do to make a significant change in your health with little to no effort? Yes. Go to bed an hour or two earlier...
Dr. Sam Slattery
Aug 8, 20225 min read
Cooked versus Raw
Cooking and fire is another interesting and controversial topic. Fire has several uses, it can be used to protect from predators, for...
Dr. Sam Slattery
Aug 1, 20223 min read
What About Exercise?
What is exercise? Odd question? Well, not really, because there are several definitions, but essentially exercise is physical activity...
Dr. Sam Slattery
Jul 31, 20225 min read
The Gut, Germs and your Microbiota (Part 1)
If you eat on the run so to speak you are setting yourself up for improper digestion. That can create a whole host of problems related to...
Dr. Sam Slattery
Jul 5, 20227 min read
Stress Kills. FACT.
Removing as much stress or strain as possible is key to allowing your thinking and attitudes to change. This is obviously relevant to how...
Dr. Sam Slattery
Jun 20, 20226 min read
We are Omnivores so be a Flexitarian
There is no specific human diet. There are many types of foods that one can eat to reach the same endpoint as the body is truly flexible....
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